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Play Live Radio. That shifts the onus on operating systems to deny users access to age-restricted websites. According to Aylo, Pornhub complied with a Louisiana law last year. Screenshot of website Lawmakers tussled over the legislation in committee and on the floor. Related Content. Concerns about overpolicing at Indiana polling places after Morales guidance. They asked a federal judge in Indianapolis to issue a preliminary injunction against the law. Earlier this year, Kentucky lawmakers passed a bill — following in the footsteps of several other red states — that requires pornography websites to verify that Kentucky users are more than 18 years old. Can we count on your support? When Kentuckians opened up the pornography video-sharing website Thursday, they were hit with a pop up. Check how your lawmakers voted on this bill and others on the Kentucky Legislative Vote Tracker. It comes days after Pornhub — joined by other explicit content providers and a free speech group — sued the state in an attempt to block the law.

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