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Published May 20, at pm ET. New York Times. Trust and safety workers still review and remove some violating content at X, but the company has openly relied more heavily on automated moderation tools to detect those posts since Musk took over. Deepfakes use a form of machine learning called deep learning , whereby an algorithm gets fed examples and learns to produce outputs that resemble them, generating an artificial image, video, or audio. The subject even reached the White House, where press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said in a briefing on Friday that social media companies must enforce their own rules to prevent the spread of deepfakes. Share this Video. How many EV charging stations does the US need to replace gas stations? Leaf Homes appointed Scarlett O'Sullivan chief financial officer. The Taylor Swift AI-generated images prompted a new wave of proposals and calls for action—but none have materialized seen so far. This article may not be republished, rebroadcast, rewritten or otherwise distributed without written permission. Search Free Newsletters. Here is a look at what laws are out there and why it is so hard to bring a case.

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