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After his "death" he gained a new body through the efforts of Great Red and Ophis, now being able to transform parts of himself into a Dragon. Suggest new category for this video. Expert Swordsman: Though Issei isn't as skilled as Kiba, Xenovia or Irina in swordmanship, he has learned the basics from Kiba, which has continuously been improved from regular training sessions. My mother is an ordinary housewife who makes delicious food for our family morning, noon and evening. Prison School [fanservice Compilation]. Among his other goals include competing in Rating Games and making Rias the Champion of the Rating Games by becoming the "Ultimate Pawn" alongside Yuuto Kiba , who promised to become the "Ultimate Knight" with him and his desire to become the Champion of the Rating Games himself after he obtains his own Peerage. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. After coming back from the dead with by using Great Red and Ophis' power, Cao Cao commented that Issei's power to attract the strong is scary due to it attracting powerful beings like the Dragon Gods to aid him. His favorite song is the intro of Dragon Ball. By: yowayot In: Luna Lovely. Explore Wikis Community Central. During the Rating Game against Sairaorg, after seeing his teammates badly defeated, Sairaorg was forced to withdraw his Queen from the match to prevent Issei from killing her for being unable to contain the anger.

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