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He loved it! Man, I also have to use a proxy and I notice the same thing. I just discovered your blog and you are making me very hungry. Chocolaty, perfectly moist,subtly peanut buttery and a hit of cream cheese at the end. Line the bottom of each pan with a round of parchment or waxed paper and butter the paper. Simply pour the glaze over the top of the cake, and using an offset spatula, spread it evenly over the top just to the edges so that it runs down the sides of the cake in long drips. Can someone help me, Deb, maybe? Even if it was endorsing porn, so fucking what? I love to bake and this cake is a winner. Many cakes would have been offended this one took it right in stride! I need to find a large gathering that I could take this to. Two options: You can let it cool a bit so it thickens or you can do as I did, and pour it over a chilled cake.

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