Anal rape videos

Anal rape videos

Like many Tamils caught up in the armed conflict, the individuals we spoke to had suffered from the war in various ways. AR told Human Rights Watch he was released from detention in early March after his family managed to bribe the police. No senior military official has been prosecuted for any serious crime related to the conflict, and crimes of sexual violence have been no exception. Some of them were uniformed. The officials harassed me sexually. Constitutional remedies have proved to be as ineffective as penal remedies. The Sri Lankan Supreme Court ordered compensation and costs in a fundamental rights application to be paid to Yogalingam Vijitha, a year-old Tamil woman from Jaffna district, who was tortured and raped by police officers with a plantain tree flower [24] while detained from June , , at Negombo police station near Colombo. Date Released : September He spent nearly all of his three years at this facility locked in his cell under special cell restrictions. He was detained immediately. The officials would take me out for questioning at night. They made me lie flat on a bench and started beating me with a baton.

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