Anal twerk

Anal twerk

But what really makes this song a twerking anthem—besides the fact that the aforementioned dance is in the title, lest their be any misgivings about artistic intent, here—is that people seem to turn a blind eye to the lyric about a, uh, certain unsexy bodily function. But healthy? Collipark David Banner's whispered soliloquy in tribute to the female orgasm is a thing to behold. Jul 19, 5, Hypes. Mar 27, 43, Hypes. They can provide invaluable guidance, ensuring you execute the moves with precision and grace. Not just for those who do it, but those who have thought about doing it, too. This comes by way of Soulja Boy, someone who's proven time and time again that he's not a one-hit wonder. It has a summertime vibe with a bouncy and vibrant beat. No oversell, there. And while twurking—or twerking, and its respective regional spelling differences—can be difficult to initially grasp, worry not: these two young men from Georgia are here to guide you through it. The stop-start chorus and production are booty-motivating on a sonic level, but naturally it's Ali, Quez and Strap who are the primary cheerleaders of successful twerking strategies.

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