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Archived from the original on June 8, He goes to movies and has a series of meaningless flings with his secretaries. Feynman A collection of brilliant and accessible lectures by a Nobel Prize—winning theoretical physicist. Harvard University Press declined to publish it for that very reason, while other readers criticized Watson for dismissing Rosalind Franklin whose data Watson used. Still, Hofstadter was critical about many of these leaders: His portrait of Thomas Jefferson reveals a brilliant if inconsistent thinker, and his take on Abraham Lincoln suggests a man motivated primarily by ambition. This is an insightful—if slightly academic—take on Western literary tradition by one of the most brilliant minds of the twentieth century. Anissa Jones. That is the externality of the plot. Narrated in turn by each of the family members—including Addie herself from beyond the grave— As I Lay Dying is a complex chorus of familial love and angst. More John Entwistle. Wilson also included unknown writers, including women and some African Americans, in his survey. Contents move to sidebar hide.

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