Are termites contagious

Are termites contagious

Why Termites Invade Your Home. Modern termite control products cannot be detected by termites. These adaptations make them a special challenge for pest control specialists. In the past, mosquitoes were responsible for the spread of serious diseases such as the Zika virus, malaria and dengue. Some of these tips include removing standing water from your yard, fixing leaky gutters and plumbing, and making sure wood siding is at least six feet above the ground. Drywood termites are commonly found in Texas, and the simplest way to spot them is by looking for tiny fecal pellets that they leave outside their galleries or even the physical wood damage itself. A Simple Guide. View All. Termites have been identified as detritivores which means debris eaters. For example, subterranean termites, which are highly destructive, can rapidly expand their colonies and cause extensive damage within a short period. They know that termite spores can quickly spread all across your home if dealt with in the wrong way. This also makes your home safer from wind and rain damage.

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