Ass worship

Ass worship

From the circumstance that at the right of the ass's head see p. Search review text. Previous page. Want to read. Kindle Edition. Learn more. On the other hand, it is quite true that the Christians accused some Gnostic sect of their own of Ass-Worship, and, it appears, with full justification. Don't trust your Bible study to a mere web search. They don't hear the screaming, yelling and tearing around that they do in public. You idolize and "Child Worshipers" these little monsters. The ass was considered a phallic animal, and when once the Jews were accused of the cult of Dionysos, it was not going very much further to accuse them of sexual excesses, as Tacitus does, holding them capable of every shamefulness. Ass Worship is an erotic short story about Jessie, who has a fabulous ass which is adored by her husband, Frank, and all their male friends.

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