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As soon as the speaker clicked off, the door opened and Miss Whip, dressed in a black PVC cat suit and thigh high black leather boots, switched on the lights with the handle of her flogger while Miss Lash went down the center isle and unlocked the chains that held their wrists and ankles. Again the put the head to her lips and parted them, this time, there was no conversation when he forced it into her mouth. I shall inspect every nook and cranny of this old house when I return and if I find any dirt or dust, you will be punished. Deanna started saying, Howard, as he rapidly w. Miss Boots drove another coffle to the dining room, pantry and kitchen where they began to scrub the floors with the brushes in their mouths. She held her breath in fear. Since her motion was limited she moved only a few inches but her movements were precisely what caused the nubbins to come into contact with her pussy and ass. She reached back and guided the tip of my tool toward the anal orifice. So saying, she walked around behind me, smeared KY jelly on my ass and inserted the big dildo into my anus, thrusting with her hips to get it in. It seemed he liked her panicked movements because as she did that he would thrust several more times into her mouth, pulling her face into his musky groin. The dish awaits on the table while Master goes to the bathroom and cleans up. I recoiled.

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