Brandi love husband

Brandi love husband

At 51 years old, he stands at 5 feet 9 inches tall, with a weight of pounds. He is also the founder and creative director of Capital G Design, which provides web design, branding, and digital media services. The business tycoon has been the acting chief operating officer of the two companies since their establishment. Read also. While he eventually ceased management of the company in , his entrepreneurial spirit continued to drive him forward. However, Brandi Love's family filed for custody of the child when she was five because they wanted to protect her sanity and morality. Chris Potoski and Brandi Love have one child together, whose identity they have chosen to keep private. Her entrepreneurial spirit and drive for success have propelled her to new heights, and she continues to inspire others with her resilience and tenacity. Please fill in your e-mail so we can share with you our top stories! Mstars News. Contents move to sidebar hide. Best Actress — All-Girl Release [16].

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