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Ancient Indian Philosophy. An upshot of my analysis is that, as it turns out, Aristotle offers even the most austere metaphysician a philosophically fruitful way of getting clear about what she does not think exists. The dissertation importantly also focuses on the prior questions: how can Aristotle the metaphysician say what void is, given that he does not think void exists? I challenge the orthodox view and show that in fact the Presocratic atomists likely never argued that void exists. Aristotle apparently takes himself to offer a correct answer to what void is, one that is superior to the answers offered by his interlocutors. Furthermore, you represent and warrant that you will not allow any minor access to this site or services. The last few years have seen growing attention to financial accessibility and the inclusiveness of the Rice experience, and we are impressed by the positive spirit and heartfelt care that so many members of our community have shown toward others. Source Source reset. We base our decisions on the evidence before us, our best judgment of what is fair to the individuals involved, and what we believe best protects the Rice community. It is my privilege to be a member of the Rice community, and to serve as dean of undergraduates. It can and does transmit false descriptive beliefs about sex. Below I describe some projects emerging within the dissertation.

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