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CCC clears officers of misconduct over teen's death in custody But the crime and corruption watchdog probe into the state's first juvenile death in custody has laid bare a litany of issues inside the facility, leaving the detainee's family devastated. The biggest hotspots for animal collisions in the country More than 21, vehicle insurance claims were analysed after drivers hit an animal. March 19, Ultimately, Chanel has no plans of going away anytime soon. Roof ripped off popular pub in 'intense blast' Two people were taken to hospital after a severe storm tore through Perth and WA's south-west. Young Money Fansite. Article Talk. Two teens arrested after stabbing outside Perth shopping centre Terrified residents have described their shock after a double stabbing outside one of Perth's biggest shopping centres. Man convicted of murdering brother over fight about fan in DeKalb County, district attorney says. An Orlando man was arrested Tuesday morning by Davenport Police following a dangerous collision and charged with three counts of serious traffic violations, according to the Davenport Police Department. Man charged with manslaughter after 'gentle soul' dies in alleged road rage. She also serves as the assistant to editorial director Michael Atmore.

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