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To save her from the cooking-nin , they must prepare the perfect ramen; Sakura contributes by pounding the dough of the noodles into shape. When she regained consciousness, however, Sakura found out she was saved by Sasuke, who explained that he located her thanks to the chakra flowing within his Earth Release wedding ring she was given. Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker. Naruto is successfully rescued and life returns to normal when he gets back to Konoha. Sakura heals him, but is upset that it's the only thing she can do to help him. Prison Architect 2. There, Shin holds her hostage and asks her to transplant the organs from his injured son into him, which she refuses. Another goal of Tsunade's training was to increase Sakura's available chakra supply via completing the Strength of a Hundred Seal , which is something that took three years to accomplish. Once she recovers, she helps her team defeat Kusuna and his men. In the anime, Sakura is later informed of the upcoming war against Akatsuki from Tsunade, and Sakura, while uneasy at fighting against Sasuke, is given the task to keep a watchful eye on Naruto during the war. Star Wars: TOR. Mortal Kombat Mobile.

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