Code geass hentai

Code geass hentai

Author Maybelol. Discussion: 1 comment. Commission Ohgi, captured after his betrayal of Lelouch, is brought before the Emperor. It is interracial but there is no race play stuff. But when an angry Milly finds him, looking all hot and bothered, he realizes there are more important things than that. Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion [English]. Author Siar. A collection of interconnected vignettes of a subtly different world of Code Geass. However, the lustful witch has some unusual kinks, and pulls her husband in to a world of debauchery, which he gladly dives in to, soon dragging down others alongside them. Tags: futanari , english , code geass , translated , studio kimigabuchi , kimimaru Categories: Code Geass Hentai Doujinshi Views: Views: 4k 8. Costumes can be dropped.

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