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Athens …Annie Delisle….. Gatineau …Christine Vasseur….. Gatineau …Jinny Williamson….. The hartebeest shares several physical traits with the sassabies genus Damaliscus , such as an elongated and narrow face, the shape of the horns, the pelage texture and colour, and the terminal tuft of the tail. The building of the nave was recommenced in , more than years after it was begun. The muzzle has evolved so as to derive maximum nutrition from even a frugal diet. The shoulders and upper part of the legs are black. Dunrobin …Linda Dillon….. It serves as the baptistry and houses a black marble font, consisting of a bowl on a large baluster dating from The stained glass in the apse window is dated and is by Clayton and Bell. The restoration, which included much refacing and many new details, took place mainly in the 19th century. There may have been a Christian basilica on the site of the present cathedral in the late Roman era, while Chester was controlled by Legio XX Valeria Victrix.

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