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Of course, I have also read all the other books in this series, and even though this one can be read as a stand-alone Help our community and vote for these suggestions! I couldn't get enough of these fabulous characters, and love this series so much! Switch to English. She is such an amazing character, with insecurities and inner struggles that match my own so I really, really felt for her. I fell hard for Conor and Taylor's story. Conor helps Taylor out and they become friends. Truth or dare girls bother young boy. I am so overwhelmed with love for the Briar U series. I actually love them! I'm so sad to leave it behind, but am so thrilled that I was along for the entire ride - leaving pieces of my heart with every couple, in every story, and taking pieces of those stories forward with me. And the way his story unfolded was satisfying.

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