Did arkansas ban pornhub

Did arkansas ban pornhub

On Wednesday, Pornhub blocked all traffic from IP addresses based in Arkansas in protest, arguing that the law, which was intended to protect children, actually harms users. Oct 25, 26, UK. In this article, first we will explain why the Arkansas state banned Pornhub and then show you how to bypass this ban using a VPN. Hide Images. Eat Arkansas. So, instead of rolling out age verification systems, it says it decided to block access entirely, calling on users to contact their state representatives to oppose these laws. CreepingFear said:. Top stories. Latest threads. Please contact your representatives before it is too late and demand device-based verification solutions that make the internet safer while also respecting your privacy. Watch: Swimmer Lilly King gets engaged after qualifying for second event in U. This isn't the first state where this has happened, right?

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DID ARKANSAS BAN PORNHUB / forexbee.makeup