Did pornhub get banned in texas

Did pornhub get banned in texas

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, who defended the case in court, celebrated the Texas shutdown of Pornhub, writing: "In Texas, companies cannot get away with showing porn to children. You can expect a high level of security when you use it, thanks to high-end encryption, DNS and IPv6 leak protection, and a kill switch. Read our full ExpressVPN review. Remote help and installation is available. Use with routers requires you to manually configure the connection. In sum, Brown wrote, the "whole debacle has provided a reminder of is just how horny the Lone Star State is. Money-back guarantee: 45 DAYS. Constitution's First Amendment. More From Our Brands. VPNs allow computer users to disguise their locations and thus get around location specific website blocks. Use it on seven devices at once. Under such a model, parents could enable a parental-control mechanism on devices that would alert websites — not just those with porn, but websites with non-pornographic content that parents may find objectionable — that a person using the device is under

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