Did they ban pornhub

Did they ban pornhub

Montana and North Carolina have joined a small list of states with restricted access to Pornhub. In addition to Texas, Pornhub has reluctantly blocked site access for people in other states with age-verification laws, including Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, North Carolina, Utah and Virginia. See stories by Jason deBruyn. Find this comment offensive? They argue this is an ineffective way to police the site and could create privacy issues. Read Today's Paper. In all other instances, it is not up to individual internet users to respect the block on a website. From our sponsor. Brianna Atkinson. In India, many popular porn websites are banned on most popular networks, including the networks run by Jio and Airtel. We believe that the best and most effective solution for protecting children and adults alike is to identify users by their device and allow access to age-restricted materials and websites based on that identification. HB 3 necessitates websites hosting pornography to authenticate user ages through methods such as government ID checks or third-party verification services.

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