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The last sentence is about MM. Honestly tho, Yuri stop poking this idiot by trolling his live streams and egging on yr friends do this and freak out the angry man child.. Earlier she was saying she was self-isolating and ordering all her groceries. She deleted this comment. Ultimately they are all quite shallow and calculating - calling out this kind of behaviour requires a level of self-reflection about your own actions and associations especially when dabbling in Norse paganism but I'm certain they will just carry on painting runes on their faces and pretending they are witches. If yes that amount of cases would be a great reason to not throw parties and stuff. Well done. She frames this like this is the single most manly achievement any man has ever undertaken. She even adopted a bootleg Frida Kahlo look to seem more authentic. Nowadays a few respected authors and scholars are supporting Orlee, can't get my head round it. How is she paying for her shit all over the world? Or is that giving them too much credit?

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