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Synopsis: "Dancing at the Blue Iguana" offers a rare glimpse into the often misunderstood world of the strip club, which is All of them need to fuck. It is produced by Dane Jones studio. Critics Consensus: Despite occasional detours into surprisingly dark territory, Spread overall is an ineffectual celebration of vacuous Los Angeles high life rather than a deconstruction of it. Access to it is automatically included in the membership price! Directed By: Mike Figgis. Critics Consensus: Tender, funny, and touching, The Sessions provides an acting showcase for its talented stars and proves it's possible for Hollywood to produce a grown-up movie about sex. Synopsis: Set in a richly exaggerated 17th-century England, Peter Greenaway's witty, stylized, erotic country house murder mystery catapulted him to the Updates Sinful Raw publishes new sensual hardcore scenes once a month. Extra Features — One price unlocks access to 10 premium erotic paysites with thousands of first-class premium models! Critics Consensus: Despite its lush tropical scenery and attractive leads, Return to the Blue Lagoon is as ridiculous as its predecessor, and lacks the prurience and unintentional laughs that might make it a guilty pleasure. Directed By: Richard Rush.

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