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Travis Kelce wears a Fearless friendship bracelet as he admits he's got 'more fans' thanks to girlfriend Taylor Swift' Laura Hamilton looks chic in a green dress at Mrs. Last December, I got a phone call from an attendant at the train station near Sophia's college in Kendal. View all. Imagine experiencing all that and then having to defend yourself to a medical professional. It's not known what causes PoTS, but it can develop suddenly or gradually, and potential triggers include pregnancy, major surgery or a viral illness. All this amounts to one thing: she could black out at any moment, without warning. They are keen on 'front loading' fluid — drinking a pint of water before standing; adding 2tsp of extra salt a day to food, plus little exercises such as tensing and relaxing the leg muscles regularly to avoid a surge in heart rate on standing. When she revived several minutes later, she couldn't lift her arms or legs and kept screaming about a pain in her head — it was terrifying. Here's everything you need to know about Amazon Prime Day , including when the shopping event will take place, the deals we expect and more. Read more: The woman who's 'allergic to GRAVITY': Bed-bound year-old faints up to 10 times a day and can only stand up for three minutes before passing out due to rare conditio n. Don't listen,' she said. Read full article.

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