Feederism pornhub

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Month Ten: September There was no denying it or beating around the bush. I can only hope when this ends I can go back on the dating game and regain my lost sexy muscular bod. No big deal. I helped myself to some donuts in the break room and played a game of solitaire online with my Facebook friends. The Revolution is in Motherhood and activism: the perfect pair for change. Imagining a clear vision of justice for the Niger Delta. I sigh and decide to go to the gym today. My ass was like a glob of dough that pushed out my backside. I make sure to keep up to date on the Coronavirus pandemic on my phone, I quickly buy a bacterial mask and snatch the last bottle of hand sanitizer from my local grocery store. I pout softly, lifting and pushing my gut back against my body, and sucking it in as best as I could so I can read the electronic green numbers.

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