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If everyone agreed with you on that, the world would be a much, much better place. Retrieved 14 September It is not something they can help or control it is simply something they are born with. Bisexxxual Hard. Can he no longer like females or males depending on his estrogen and testosterone levels? Once you start comparing animals and humanbeings you are now exposing your stupidity to the world. Newsletters Daily The latest stories every weekday morning Weekly Editors' picks of the best stories each week Opportunities Monthly list of opportunities for artists, and art workers. Men should sleep with women. My church believes homosexuals have a right to marry. Past year. Secondly there are millions of abused and unloved children out there already born so why create more when you can adopt, foster or take in a child whose life would be utterly awful without someone to save them Many gays and lesbians adopt or foster and give an unloved and unwanted child a loving and nurturing home. Point 4 of the Kinsey scale, indicating a mostly homosexual orientation with major heterosexual attraction, contained a similar share of young adults and all adults 1.

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