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Here's the queer history behind the TikTok Gen X Parents '80s dance challenge blowing up your timeline 7h. I've heard some sex advice gurus say things like "Once you've had your friend's penis in your mouth, there's nothing you can't discuss. I didn't hold anything back. Nina West on strategy, cliques, and being underestimated by her 'All Stars' sisters. Black transgender woman Starr Brown shot to death in Memphis. In reality? All the time. And for many of us it isn't even an attractive option. The sex is phenomenal and the pillow talk divine, and you realize, "Oh, boy -- I should be dating this guy. If I wanted to sleep with you, I made that clear, and 95 percent of the time, we had sex. I will say, though, that as queer men, it's nice that we often fall outside the norms that come with dating, simply because many folks don't consider two men dating "conventional. Zachary Zane.

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