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Charles Taverns whose owners were accused of being hostile of their gay clientele. The crowd was as much a part of the show as the band. In , Kyle Rae was elected to Toronto City Council to represent the ward that includes Church and Wellesley, becoming the city's first out gay councillor. Even our straight friends get checked out by other women when driving her in town! As early as , politicians and journalists were already identifying the riding of St. How many car companies would advertise their cars with a "Xena Lvr" license plate? I write about all things Colorado, from news to sports to popular culture, as well as local and national Joseph Street, one block north of Wellesley running west off Yonge. It gets worse. We needed a flag to fly everywhere. In the spring of , a statue of Wood was erected at the corner of Church and Alexander Streets the latter named for Wood , honouring him as a forefather of Toronto's modern gay community. Mike Littwin Opinion columnist Milittwin gmail.

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