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The Nathansons' housekeeper refers to Carl as "Mr. Iris is the Greek goddess of the rainbow. But perhaps the most notable connection to "Carlotta Junior" is that Charlotte is the name of Lolita's mother in Nabakov's book Lolita and, as played by Shelley Winters, in Kubrick's film adaptation. Some Freemason rituals derive from paganism, an element of which is nature and goddess worship. But The Lady holds strong against Comus until she is eventually saved and freed by the nymph Sabrina. The Phantom of the Opera is another creepy tale about a masked, cloaked figure who is out of place in high society, like Bill, and also identifies with EWS 's Red Cloak, as The Phantom is usually depicted wearing a red cloak or cape. Bill calls Marion from his office only to hang up when Carl answers. Harrison Ford, Harford, and Hertfordshire—the county outside of London, UK, where Stanley lived and died —meaning "the land of people named Hertford ". One of Farrow and Allen's biological children, Ronan Farrow, is a journalist whose articles in The New Yorker helped expose sexual assault allegations against movie mogul Harvey Weinstein and CBS executive Les Moonves—both of whom resigned as a result. Watching Eyes Wide Shut has opened my mind and eyes, but writing about it has opened them even more. We're looking at the foreground, but there's lots on the outskirts that we don't know we're seeing because we don't understand it, unless we have tangential knowledge. An abyss is a deep or bottomless chasm that in mythology leads to an underworld—and the phrase mise-en-abyme is described as capturing the visual experience of standing between two mirrors, suggesting an infinitely recurring image or sequence.

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