Granny anal stories

Granny anal stories

Again, her anal ring resisted a little, then as he pushed harder the ball went all the way in, pushing the first one further in. My cock slowly began to rise off my stomach and although I had shot my wad minutes before I felt my desire reawaken.. She was already wet before they got to their pants. She was wearing a loose cotton dressing gown, which covered her except for her ankles and feet, which were as flabby as her photo suggested. I knew nothing about what to do, but just licked blindly at her pussy. My body shook uncontrollably after I stopped cumming, almost like I was having a seizure, and I was shivering sporadically for several minutes afterward. I swore under my breath because I was so close to cumming. Brian was almost crying with gratitude when I put it to him, he knew finding another job was not going to be easy, but he had to wait until Sally got home and then ring me back. I ran my hands over her bum, pulling her silky dress up. I was certainly surprised that I didn't feel at all guilty in doing it. It was as good a hole as any. Sitting on the toilet wit the lid down and my feet against the wall I first had to spur my dick back to the hardness it was before.

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