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The previous episode showed the time he accidentally ordered a Japanese mail-order husband by mistake, but the closing montage of that particular story showed that he kind of enjoyed it anyway. Fat Asian sluts are "the trifecta! Most obviously on "Kids": Finding you is like finding Asians I hate But they say I got a fetish, nah I'm skipping all of it Black or white girls always come with a set of politics. As with Dukat, whether the fetish was for Bajorans in particular or just having a sex slave is debatable. An early episode of The Simpsons had a nightclub singer named Gulliver Dark performing in one of the most popular burlesque houses in Springfield. Rating 4. During a Freudian Slip , Phil from Modern Family accidentally makes it known that he has a serious thing for black women. Theater In George C. Season 46 had a skit promoting African tourism He also frequently lists being "elven and handsome" regarding his desirability as a sex partner. She notices and gets him to admit the issue. His current boyfriend, Agent , is a full-blooded Scotsman, and several comics have drawn attention to 's uncontrollable arousal whenever this fact is emphasized.

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