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There is no guarantee that an item goes up in value. I've been at depos where we spent like 30 minutes trying to establish a person's basic employment history with a company, like just as a preliminary matter, because we'll ask him "how long did you hold that position" and he'll be like "when you say 'that position'" etc. The is according to Wikipedia. Some of those robot legs are seriously creepy uncanny valley territory. On behalf of Cathy and myself, we hope this helps you, and thanks for watching the video. Ending was disappointing. Contemporary archaeologists probably couldn't figure it out either! It's a booty-ful day. We find that Garfield collectors sometimes have themes. Hope that guy's ready to own a bird until the Tricentennial. Another collector will buy anything with Garfield and Golf. So how do you estimate the age of a Garfield item?

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