Husky hardcore

Husky hardcore

Come join the fun and register for free at HardcoreHusky. We also answer listener questions! Washington knocks off the playcalling genius and master of deception Steve Sarkisian and Texas to advance to the National Championship game vs Michigan! Joey is getting angry! It's part one of a four part series! Come register for free and join the malarkey at HardcoreHusky. The episode is also replete with several head-scratching deep dives, which have become the calling card of this podcast. Join Derek, Joey and WoolleyDoog as they break it all down. Come hang out with the boys as they discuss the late Phil Lynott and Thin Lizzy. Would you like some Irish in ya? Norm MacDonald reading a graphic post from PurpleJ and then expressing his disappointment over said post. Come register for free and join the fun at HardcoreHusky.

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