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Let's talk about sex I think like in regular TV and movies, producers get in their heads that audiences expect X Y Z, but they expect X Y Z because that is what they see on the screens. Heck, when I was younger I though Kevin Costner was the be-all and end-all of attractiveness and talent! I suspect that is a greater consideration than the type of porn these sites host, or else Feck and others of their ilk would have more members. I completely agree, and that is what I have always loved about IFM above all others is it was focused on a woman, or women, who were shown giving themselves pleasure. Aged Love. DreamGirls Members 1, videos. I think once the genie of free content has left the bottle, it is very hard to put it back in. And you? The SF crowd boost other SF people, kinky Brits boost kinky Brits, I'm sure the people photographing skinny young things from eastern Europe trade lists of models. She can believe in it, and then it arouses her. People are complicated nuanced creatures and what they loved once may completely change and evolve over time.

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