Is pornhub banned in uk

Is pornhub banned in uk

As part of UK sanctions against Russia, ISPs are required to take "reasonable steps to prevent" users accessing "an internet service provided by" a person or organisation sanctioned by the UK government. According to the BBC, it was suggested that users could have been asked to upload scans of their passports or driver's license. In the same way that traffic between TechRadar and your browser is encrypted look for the padlock in your address bar it's possible to do the same with the initial lookup of a domain name. If you want to know more about how we test and rank the VPNs that we recommend, we go into more detail further on in this article. Get daily insight, inspiration and deals in your inbox Sign up for breaking news, reviews, opinion, top tech deals, and more. As such they are incredibly general and have led to worries about internet freedom and the privacy of the people giving up their personal infomation to prove they are an adult. Archived from the original on 1 December Some security will be implemented to prevent this but it's unlikely it will be entirely effective. The move comes as a result of the Digital Economy Act , which states that any commercial online pornography site which can be accessed from the UK must use an age verification system. It May Be Outmatched. Sites which don't support it may face a fine or be blocked in the UK entirely or both. But this would need a separate law to enact and would almost certainly be wildly unpopular.

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