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But thinking of things this way has made me less interested in consuming this kind of media, and I hope it does the same for you. Licensed To Lick videos. A police officer who hears about child abuse may be a trauma victim! Fake Taxi videos. The hallmark of the advanced political partisan is the ability to describe everything the other side or neutral third parties do as secretly a political offense, and to reduce every possible situation to their issue of choice. Asian hitchhiker Ako Nishino blows a stranger's lollipop in the van uncensored. The Flourish XXX videos. Can learning secondhand about someone encountering institutional racism be traumatizing? And in the current social climate, inevitably people have started talking about collective trauma, eg institutional racism may be traumatizing for some individual black person even if they personally have never been victimized in any dramatic way. But I claim this is an overly restrictive description of the true problem, which is a general distortion of cognition around traumatic stimuli. Your Cookies, Your Choice We use cookies and similar technologies that are necessary to run our Website essential cookies. Then they hear about trans bathroom bills in North Carolina or wherever and absolutely see red; they feel like Society as an abstracted entity is trying to deny their right to exist.

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