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Otherwise, "That's My Boy" holds no pretensions that this is anything more than a lewd, immature comedy. All rights reserved. David Caspe, the creator of ABC's series "Happy Endings" one of the funnier riding-on-the-coattails-of-"Friends" relationship sitcoms , has a way of throwing in a few ticklishly funny one-liners that, in spite of knowing better, should make the viewer chuckle anyway. All models were 18 years of age or older at the time of depiction. Past 3 months. Model Mira. Post a Comment. Posted by Jeremy Kibler June 14, Vanilla Ice gets to play himself, as Donny's best bud. Source Source reset All. Furthermore, you represent and warrant that you will not allow any minor access to this site or services. If there's any reason the movie isn't completely terrible, it could be that Sandler's consistent collaborator Dennis Dugan isn't directing, and that the screenplay was written by one soul, not a committee, and that soul not being Sandler himself.

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