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Fans noticed the family of four pandas drawn by daughter Quinta in his Father's Day post. Jenner herself has posted several of the shots on her Instagram feed. Beauty Are we in a new era of celebrity transparency around cosmetic work? Updated 14 September at pm. AFP News. Iris Duane wants to be the first trans woman of colour in Parliament. Filipino soldiers had to defend themselves against an armed attack by Chinese coast guard, a general said. Beauty Are the Kardashians finally taking accountability for toxic beauty ideals? The photos were taken by Sasha Samsonova. The gang rape of a year-old Jewish girl sparked nationwide outrage in France with President Emmanuel Macron on Wednesday condemning the "scourge" of anti-Semitism after two year-old boys were charged. Beauty Can plastic surgery ever be considered art? The singer turned 43 on 18 June and had a small celebration with her family.

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