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Anna Arbiol, 28, and Jana Pla, 19, have travelled from Barcelona to see Swift's performance tomorrow night. Login to your RedTube account! Show original message. Read More Taylor Swift reveals she is 'blown away' as she thanks her fans following emotional first UK gigs. I've been a fan since Red, so , and I've never seen her. Tasteful nudity: Lana Del Rey skillfully incorporates nudity into her artistic vision, creating striking visuals that captivate the audience. Mr Benadvides added: 'It's the smallest show in her whole tour and it's the most intimate concert she will play, it's her hundredth show and it's on the 13th - which also happens to be her half birthday. The American singer will kick-off her three-day stint at Liverpool FC's Anfield Stadium tomorrow evening with 53, fans forming the crowd. A huge trail of Swift-themed art installations has been dotted in prominent positions across the city, with queues of fans standing to snap a quick picture at each spot. Radical preacher Anjem Choudary, 57, took on 'caretaker role' at terrorist group Al-Muhajiroun after being Email aidan. Taylor Swift fans known as 'Swifties' have been posing for photos alongside devoted street art.

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