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Top white studios actively re-direct all the minorities to these smaller sites as well because "they're not a good fit". Important: Once you save your settings the first time you will receive a confirmation email. To him sexwork is a quick buck. Was Betjeman the first poet to use brand names? The fact PL named his book after the poem makes one assume he thought it important. Some features on this site require registration. Furthermore, you represent and warrant that you will not allow any minor access to this site or services. Why so few? More racist stuff from r67 Throwing around theories with no proof other than his own racist beliefs. He surely is suffering from sexual narcissism. He also doesn't appear himself that much these days and I think has official retired from appearing and I wouldn't say his directed scenes are especially degrading - there are some rough ones, but also some romantic ones. These studios know damn well what's up and that they partially control beauty standards.

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