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There has never been any mystery to why Spears became such a superstar, but these songs probably would have been huge even if Britney wore burlap sacks in all of her videos. With N' Sync and the Backstreet Boys, we had to push for that mid-nasal voice. Music Notes. Rolling Stone wrote: "One of the most controversial and successful female vocalists of the 21st century," she "spearheaded the rise of post-millennial teen pop Retrieved September 18, November 10, Christgau's Consumer Guide: Albums of the '90s. Sex3 Car Compilation Pornstars. PR Newswire Press release. Doctor visit: She first shared a snap from her doctor's waiting room, writing: 'back at the hematologist to see if my platelets have gone up since having the baby'. January 22, November 12,

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