Massive boobs bounce

Massive boobs bounce

Awkward hilarity ensues. Then I noticed that they were jiggling a little as I walked. They do so by hiding in Tsubomi's shirt, giving Tsubomi a massive chest. Fairy Tail : Lampshaded at one point. Charmed : the episode "Hell Hath No Fury" involves a spell of Paige's backfiring, resulting in Breast Expansion played entirely for comedy. Mai Valentine's endowment is a running gag in Yu-Gi-Oh! The majority of the humor in the series comes from the many awkward situations involving Kyouko's large breasts. All the boob gags with Sasshi take an awkward turn when it's revealed that she's his grandmother currently deceased in his own world , whose presence and youth in all of the alternate realities is an integral part of the complicated backstory that only gets revealed in the final episode. In thanks, the girl's mother gives Leetah one of the girl's dresses, since Leetah's own clothes were torn to shreds in an earlier incident. Get it? Hinata Aki's swimsuit scene on Sgt. A successful child star, Chi-chan is forced to quit when puberty hits

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