Mastercard pornhub

Mastercard pornhub

Mindgeek is a conglomerate that owns more than websites, production companies and brands. Bergmair apparently tried to hide his name for years by using a similar name, Bernard Bergemar, on legal documents. VIDEO Visa and Mastercard said Thursday card payments for advertising on Pornhub and its parent company MindGeek would be suspended after a lawsuit stoked controversy over whether the payments giants could be facilitating child pornography. Newsweek is committed to challenging conventional wisdom and finding connections in the search for common ground. By Todd Spangler Plus Icon. Events Jobs. Jobs Powered by. Asia Global. On Thursday, a judge refused to remove Visa from a lawsuit filed against MindGeek by a victim claiming to have been featured in sexually explicit porn videos as a minor. Tornado alerts issued for multiple regions of Quebec. Rolling Stone R.

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