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Chang also noted that the public was barred from accessing the bay for weeks in the aftermath of the yacht crash. Pua also had a larger role in earlier drafts, but it was decided that having an adorable, intelligent animal along for the ride would give Moana too much comfort on her journey. See stories by Lauren Sommer. But the trippiest is the Astrodome scene. Contact Advertise eNewsletter Help? One might say that this final sequence pokes fun at the survivors of the typhoon, but this narrative unit captures this sentiment best: survivors of any crisis have their own ways of confronting their traumas, no matter how eccentric they may look. Then he picks up the big orange pumpkin. Password recovery. A small donation makes a big impact. Download as PDF Printable version. Every week at the Maui airport, a small helicopter gets loaded with , passengers. Listen on Apple Podcasts , Spotify , or your smart speaker.

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