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For me, this was a pretty strong opening episode for the season. This is pretty surprising since all Amy does is sketches — maybe something about the live format made it different? The situation was only a little funny but there was very little motivation. Share this: Twitter Facebook. Email Required Name Required Website. Pornhub will block access to its site in five more states in the coming weeks. Log in now. We had a number of really fun sketches that played into exactly who Miley is — a young, twerking millenial. Our Frank Schwab counts down his NFL power rankings, grades each team's offseason, solicits fantasy football advice and previews what the season might have in store for each team. Honorable Mention The Guns PSA is pretty on point, and was probably great for Amy Schumer to be part of as well especially after this summer and the shooting at a Trainwreck showing. This is by far the single best application of Family Feud the show has done. A little behind, but never too late to dish out the best and the worst in the new season of SNL.

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