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Inspirational Photo Quotes Inspirational Photo Quotes are a type of image macros featuring snippets of lyrics and inspirational quote in block letter format, oftentimes on the topic of romance or relationship, set to various photographs of people or landscape that are thought-provoking or sentimental in nature. The new format changed this so that the follower count, drafts, post count, messages, and queue were on a separate page alongside one's personal posts, while the tracked tags remained next to the main dashboard feed. On September 9th, , the 10 billionth Tumblr post was made. Login Now! Shortly after Yahoo's acquisition in May , web analytics firm SimilarGroup released an analysis of adult-only content on Tumblr based on data collected from May to April They're incredibly unpopular with the site's users. Additionally, Furry artists reported seeing accounts known for posting pornographic furry art and other NSFW blogs were deleted examples shown below, left. After reviewing literal tens of thousands of lines of data, we sorted the most popular stuff into 23 lists with our very own Fandometrics rating system--measuring searches, original posts, reblogs, and likes to rank your enthusiasm and love. On the following day, Tumblr launched its first-ever annual trend report [24] highlighting the most favorited and re-blogged content in 20 different categories shown below , with plans to unveil one additional category per day until December 31st. A commenter named Michael Edwards responded:. Yacht Cats Like us on Facebook!

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