Money shot: pornhub

Money shot: pornhub

An extremely revealing documentary. Los Angeles Times. Its influence cannot be underestimated — Pornhub, based in Montreal, made streaming video ubiquitous while Hollywood was still twisting knots in its hair at the popcorn counter. See all related lists ». Additionally, sex workers raise issues they face from other internet companies. Netflix is gearing up to release a documentary film about Pornhub , the controversial sex video platform that features user-uploaded content. Hillinger described the central focus as "what sexuality and consent means when billion-dollar internet platforms thrive on user-generated content". Seemed very rushed and should have spent more time on the history of the company. Critics Consensus Without sensationalizing it, Money Shot: The Pornhub Story undresses the pornographic industry, revealing the problematic financial truth and politics at its core. Big Dick Lenny Han Dong More Variety Expand the sub menu. Self - Porn Performer.

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