Montana pornhub ban

Montana pornhub ban

You are also agreeing to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. The Western Sydney multi-disciplinary artist is proof that you can do it all. A Pornhub spokesperson told Ars that the technology to accomplish device-based age verification "exists today," but "what is required is the political and social will to make it happen. Montana and North Carolina join a growing list of states with restricted access to Pornhub. Uncommon Knowledge Newsweek is committed to challenging conventional wisdom and finding connections in the search for common ground. Speaking to USA Today, Alison Boden, executive director of the Free Speech Coalition, commented: "We are fighting not only for the rights of our members and the larger adult entertainment community, but for the right of all Americans to access constitutionally protected expression in the privacy of their own home. Read more. Most Popular. A device-based solution would stop adult sites from collecting sensitive personal information from a large swath of users in eight states that now require age verification to watch porn—and any state that may follow suit and pass copycat legislation this year. To protect children and user privacy, any legislation must be enforced against all platforms offering adult content. Other states that passed similar laws restricting minors from watching porn are Arkansas, Mississippi, Texas, Utah, and Virginia. This comes in response to a new law requiring those in the state to verify their age to access pornographic material online.

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