Morning sex

Morning sex

Morning time is nice because you feel fresh and not tired, and waht a beautiful way to start the day. Explore Our Forums. We talked to some experts about the most surprising and exciting benefits of giving your day a sexy start. Plus, Fine adds, thinking of it as a goal to accomplish actually takes some of the fun and romance out of morning sex, and it can set you up for disappointment. As you've probably guessed from all the feel-good perks above, sex relieves stress—but we wanted to point out that there's actually research to back this up: According to one study , pleasure including the sexual variety can reduce stress hormone levels in a similar way to eating comfort food. A recent study commissioned by Mattress Advisor probably not the most scientific study ever conducted surveyed 1, people who were in relationships and living with their partners. I'd end it and stay well away from him. Some people may also be more self-conscious having sex in the morning because there's more light, less makeup, and potentially bad breath and body odors. We can almost guarantee you that it will leave you wanting more. And let's not even think about trying to put a condom on in the dark, it's difficult enough with the lights on! Then crank up your shower and kill two birds with one His messy hair, his voice deeper and raspier, his half naked body next to mine..

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