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An early imitator of Giorgione was Titian , whose Venus of Urbino and Pardo Venus or Jupiter and Antiope , — reproduce the same posture as the Sleeping Venus , acquiring, however, greater fame. Questions around positive discrimination and quotas continue across the Academy, with strong opinions from many generations of women. Sexy girl with nice tits rubbing her pussy 8 min. Simply sign up to the Cryptocurrencies myFT Digest -- delivered directly to your inbox. In this way, he moved away from Greco-Roman classicism, which although based on the naturalism of the forms, these were idealized, far from the anatomical realism introduced by Pollaiuolo, as shown in his Hercules and Antaeus , whose tension when the hero crushes the body of the giant denotes the detail of the anatomical study carried out by the author. Without renouncing religious themes, the representation of the human being and his environment became more relevant, with the appearance of new themes such as mythology or history, or new genres such as landscape or still life , which influenced the revitalization of the nude. Later they spread to Attica and the Peloponnese , where they became more naturalistic, with descriptive features and greater interest in modeling. After a transition period Mesolithic, — BC , in the Neolithic — BC man became sedentary and dedicated himself to agriculture, with increasingly complex societies where religion gained importance and the production of handicrafts began. In the context of the dissolution of the classical theory of art that took place in the first half of the 19th century, realism, together with the technical liberation brought about by the appearance of photography, which inspired many of the new artists, meant a thematic liberation, where the protagonists were no longer nobles, heroes or gods, but ordinary people, from the street, portrayed in all their misery and crudeness. This rugged parallel-twin embraces the brand's pioneering spirit by offering riders a unique escape from the daily stresses of city life. The David — in Florence still retains the Apollonian air of a balanced classicism, but interpreted in a personal way, where the torso may look like that of a Greek statue, but the disproportion of head and limbs denotes tension, and his defiant expression departs from the classical ethos. Thus, the classical "heroic diagonal" became the "heroic spiral", the way in which a violent and forced movement could express in a plausible way the dramatism and effectiveness of baroque art.

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