Name that pornhub ad

Name that pornhub ad

Maximum file size: KB. Conversion Tracking Manuals. So what does the future hold for this ballsy brand and its intrepid agency? Aaron Taube. Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go. Labour party politician Yvette Cooper, chair of the home affairs committee, a cross-party organization that monitors Britain's interior ministry, said the findings were "horrendous" and called for a police investigation. These sites attract similar audiences as other publishers, but their CPMs are typically lower. Facebook Email icon An envelope. According to his LinkedIn page , Gulver has been working as a copywriter at Alametifarika, a Turkish ad agency responsible for, among other campaigns, an immensely popular Turkish Airlines ad starring Lionel Messi and Kobe Bryant. For example, a travel site may sell audiences looking to buy cars, while porn sites sell audiences more intimate interests. VIDEO But their most captivating and "funnest" client, PornHub, took an interest in the pair following their participation in its safe for work advertising competition encouraging creatives to develop clever ads that the company can actually run online, in print, anywhere back in

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